This article will walk you through the most common ways to make money blogging. Now even though I just skim over these tips you will be able to understand exactly how each money maker works and what you need to do to implement them on your own blog. When my real life people find out I […]
Middle Aged Blogging – How To Make It In A Young Person’s World.
If you told me 20 years ago that I would not only start a blog at 50 but I would make money at it, I would have laughed out loud at you. After all middle aged blogging does not sound like the key to success let alone a money-making secret. Yet here I am doing […]
How To Get Crazy Pinterest Traffic Without Using Schedulers
Ask just about any blogger out there, if you want to drive insane amounts of traffic to your blog you need to use Pinterest to do it. It’s true actually. More often than not Pinterest is responsible for a large percentage of blog traffic no matter what the niche. If you are new to Pinterest […]
My Blogging Journey, The Beginning…..
Very few people know this about me, but I love to write. I may not be the best at it, in fact, I may not be very good at all but that has little to do with the fact that I enjoy doing it. On the other hand, quite a few people do know that […]
Why I Chose Siteground Over Bluehost – A Siteground Review
As you can tell from the title of this post, I am a SiteGround girl and this post is all about why I chose Siteground . This Siteground review is my top reasons for my choice. We have been together happily now for 3 years and I have not once thought of breaking up with […]