If you are a blogger, you work your tail off. I know you do. There are so many things that need to be done every single day to just tread water.
Blog posts, reader engagement, social media, affiliate sales, guest posts, newsletters, roundups, comments, backups and on and on and on. My head is swimming just writing this!
Then there are all the behind the scene things that need daily attention. Little things. Important things.
I used to work so hard from morning to night and at the end of the day, I would still have tasks that I had completely forgotten to do. I knew I needed to do something to make sure that all the little things were completed every day so I could focus on the big things.
/The money making things.
One day I finally figured out what I needed in order to put part of my blog on autopilot so I could focus on content and income. It’s simple really. But aren’t those the best ideas? The simple ones?
Okay, get ready..drumroll please…here it comes!
I created a Daily/Weekly/Monthly Game Plan.
HA! Yep, that’s it.
It’s so crazy simple, it works.
Big time.
Don’t over think it Blogging BFF’s. I think we tend to do that. 🙂 Keep it simple so it works.
So, what is a D/W/M Game Plan? Well, it’s a cheat sheet of all the items that need to be done every single day, week and month on my blog. From recording stats and writing my newsletter to setting up Tailwind for the week and performing my weekly backup. Every single thing is listed no matter how small.
I cannot tell you how this one cheat sheet has completely changed things for me.
Not only did my productivity increase dramatically, but my blog stats have steadily increased ever since I began using it.
And you know what? My income has increased as well.
No, really! I have steadily made more money every day since I began using my D/W/M Game Plan sheet.
I know, right?!
So let’s get to it kids! Let’s increase your productivity to 10! Let’s get you more page views and more revenue, starting right now!
How To Create A Daily/Weekly/Monthly Game Plan Sheet
Write it down. Take a sheet of paper and do a complete brain dump. Visualize your day and all the things that need to be done on your blog/website. Leave nothing out, not a single thing no matter how much you believe you will remember to do it.
Getting each task out of your head in order to free up room for more important things is what this is all about. So if you need to do it, write it down!
Give each item a day/time. This is the secret sauce. It is so important that you give yourself a deadline for each item to ensure it gets completed. Drill this step home. You must complete each task on the day you assign it. If not you will be backed up before you know it and the results you were hoping for will just not happen. This sheet will only work for you if you work with it. Got it? Okay, good. 🙂
Sort it out. Go through your list and decide what needs to be done daily, what needs to be done weekly, and what needs to be done monthly. You may think of more items as you are doing this step, that’s okay. Write them down! The trick is to make this list as thorough as it can be.
Protect it. The next simple step is to put your completed list in a page protector. That way you can check items off each day with a highlighter and erase when completed.
Keep it where you will see it. You know what they say, out of sight out of mind. So make sure you keep your sheet in a spot where you will see it. Another tip is to put a reminder on your phone, actually set the alarm. At that time each day train yourself to pull out your sheet and begin ticking things off. I have my alarm set for 6 am 11:30 am and 1:30 pm. I spend just a few minutes each time to get everything done on my sheet. My phone is my best friend, always reminding me of what needs to be done when. 🙂
Get it on your calendar. To take things even one step further, I will write my weekly and monthly items on my calendar. This extra step is just insurance for me. I like to keep the clutter out of my head and knowing my items are in a spot where they will be seen by me ensures they will all get done.
Log your stats. This is the fun part! Log your stats from the day you begin using your sheet and watch your numbers steadily climb. Now you can put all of your focus and creativity into new content and products that you can sell!
Working smarter, not harder is the key to becoming a productivity rock star!
Get the mundane on autopilot so you can put your focus where it will do the most good. Consistency is key to success in our world, so use this silly simple tip to get the consistency you need to really hit this out of the park. Now if you are ready to get serious and do this.
To really get the results you have been searching for.